Nothing Ordinary:
A webcomic

Nothing Ordinary is currently undergoing a rework, and I'm aiming for an early 2025 release!
Until then you can still read the original version on Tapas or Webtoon below.
New stuff coming soon! - H


Nothing Ordinary is a supernatural mystery comic first posted on Tapas, January 22nd 2016 by Hatchetko.After witnessing the grisly murder of his best friend,
Kurt Elzey - a mental hospital orderly - tries to move on with his life and navigate adulthood. Certain that the event was just a bizarre circumstance, his thoughts on the matter are called into question when he meets enigmatic mental patient - Ivy Ivory.
Despite several warnings from Mince - his only friend in town - Kurt grows closer to Ivy as she opens his eyes to the world of monsters, cults and witchcraft that has existed under his nose his whole life.
As of now, the comic is ongoing!


Kurt Elzey | 24 | ♂

Kurt, a former baseball star and paramedic wannabe, was born and raised in the small town of Ashbourne, IN.
His teenage years were closed out with the murder of his boyfriend, Paul Ferren.
Although the killer was never discovered, many townspeople took it upon themselves to circulate rumors that Kurt had committed the crime, despite having an alibi.
Kurt was subsequently ostracized and frequently assaulted by his peers.
After struggling through the last months of High School, he graduated with no fanfare, choosing to leave Ashbourne to live with his older sister in Seattle, WA, in the hopes of pursuing medicine. Kurt quickly dropped out of college, frequently breaking down over the repetitive nightmares caused by his survivors guilt. He applied for work as an orderly at Aristov Mental Facility a few towns away at the suggestion of his sister, landing the job and promptly moving.He's often very brash, stubborn and a terrible listener but he means well and cares very deeply for others.Kurt likes to distract himself with work and as such doesn't have many hobbies, although he does enjoy cooking.

Ivy Ivory | 20 | ♀

As a young gifted pianist born to two rich socialites, Ivy seemed to have a bright future ahead of her, however, a bout with what many assumed to be paranoid schizophrenia cut her social life short. At the recommendation of close family friend Anton Aristov, she was sent to Aristov Mental Facility in the hopes that she would cope with her illness.During her first night at the facility, her parents perished in a mysterious fire, and with no other family to turn to, Ivy was put into state custody.
Now - although a legal adult - she is unable to be released from the hospital due to her ever worsening condition.
Strange circumstances have lead her to gain abilities, including but not limited to: telepathy, telekinesis and divination.She's a bit bratty at first, but anyone wise enough to notice will see that Ivy longs for connection and understanding.Ivy's favorite past time is reading and even though she has an impressive itinerary at her fingertips, her favorite books are simple to read ones about space.

"Mince" Ramachandran | 25 | ♂

A natural party boy, Mince can be found wherever the smell of booze and cigarettes linger.
His easy-going and boisterous personality makes him a social magnet and there are very few things that rub him the wrong way. When something frustrates him though, he'll make sure everyone hears about it.
Although he would claim to be an open book, he holds something mysterious in his heart. Despite being easily approachable, he's reluctant to let anyone get close
enough to discover his secrets.
He may seem stand-offish in many ways, but Mince truly has other's best interests at heart.In his downtime, Mince enjoys botany and is extremely careful not to grow any plants that would attract neighborhood cats; he's more of a dog person.

Leonard "Len" Elzey | 15 | ♂

Computer whiz and nerd at heart, Len is considered the polar opposite of his brother, Kurt.
Despite that, the two of them get along wonderfully and Len cares about his big brother more than anyone in the world.
His kindhearted nature makes it easy to underestimate him, but Len's best quality is his ability to keep tabs on others, easily identifying when someone is being less than truthful. He tries his best to keep the peace in any situation he's involved with, but his bottled emotions often get the better of him.
He currently serves as the President for Ashbourne High School's Robotics Club with his best friend - Darcey - acting as Vice President.When he's not working his part time job at the roller rink, Len is probably at home blasting house music, eating copious amounts of salt and vinegar chips and hanging out with his piebald python: Princess.Despite his dorky interests, Len is regarded quite highly amongst his peers, going out of his way to do favors for others such as tutoring, sharing notes and... forging fake IDs for his classmates.


Thank you for your interest and ongoing support on Nothing Ordinary!If you would like to support the development and work of Nothing Ordinary but don't have a way to do so monetarily, sharing the comic with those around you is wonderful!I'd also love to hear your thoughts and feelings in the comments on either webcomic site or on twitter over at @_HatchetkoIf you would like to support me monetarily (which you should feel no obligation to do) you can find my Ko-Fi page below, as well as my website where I take commissions.Thank you so much!